We undertake a full inspection and provide the client with a quick overview without delivering the final report.

These “lower cost” reports give the buyer a quick overview without locking them into the price of a full inspection report. At HPPI, we do not provide verbal reports as they do not meet the NZS4306-2005 standard for residential building inspections. These reports replace the “verbal report”.

To help reduce due diligence costs we can provide a lower cost ‘Preliminary rundown’ that is given verbally before completing the full written report. This is to give a basic run down of major defects, significant maintenance, and advice on high weathertightness risk areas. The buyer has the right to pull out of the full report purchase after hearing the verbal summary.

If, based on concerns raised in a ‘Preliminary rundown’, you decide that the issues/concerns are significant enough that you do not to wish to proceed with the purchase, you can at this stage cease engagement with HPPI regarding the particular property.

Only our written reports are covered by our insurance. If you wish to proceed, we highly advise progressing with our full written report. The Client accepts that should you proceed without obtaining a full HPPI Report prior to making an unconditional offer, it will have withdrawn from HPPI’s services and HPPI will not be liable for any losses suffered.

  • Preliminary reports are not compliant with the NZS4306-2005 standard and should only be used as a quick guide to determine if you wish to progress.
  • You should see this as an opportunity to decide on whether you wish to proceed with your due diligence and make full payment for a ‘full written report’ which is covered by our indemnity insurance.
Two Story House With Front Lawn Ready for Inspection
Preliminary or ‘Quick’
rundown report

From $300 + GST

  • Full inspection with a quick verbal run down of major concerns. Full written report extension available.
  • 50% off Meth Test

  • Discussed Via Phone Call or onsite. (document on sale)

  • Photo’s on sale

  • Document bank approved

  • Ideal For: Auctions or to keep costs down before a decision is made.

  • Ready same day OR document upon request and sale

Request a free quote

Fill in your details to receive your competitive price for a preliminary or ‘quick’ rundown report.