Recent issues in the New Zealand building industry relating to ‘weathertightness’ and durability have highlighted failures in construction, design and materials.
Ongoing maintenance is now recognised as a vital requirement to ensure your homes systems keep operating and yet more often than not these tasks have been neglected and they pose a high risk for ongoing costs.
To ensure you mitigate your risk in these areas it is now recommended for purchasers of a new home obtain a completely independent pre purchase inspection to make an informed decision along with your other due diligence items –Lim report ect.
It is recommended to have your pre purchase inspection completed by a qualified builder and a licensed building practitioner, and that they follow the guidelines set out by the Standards New Zealand’s unit standard for residential property inspections (Unit standard –NZS 4306:2005)
Pre-sale or pre purchase inspections are Visual and non-invasive meaning areas are not opened, or that no damage is caused to the home. Instead tools like moisture detecting meters and the experience and knowledge of the inspector are used to report on items like
-Significant defects,
-The properties attributes,
-Gradual deterioration or wear and tear and
Significant maintenance required.
It is worth mentioning that there are exclusions from the New Zealand standard and therefore not required in a Pre purchase property inspection.
-Legal title
-Building warrant of fitness and service on a compliance schedule
-Local authorities Planning or resource consent issues
-Building consent issues
-Heritage obligations
-Compliance with any Body corporate rules, memorandum of cross lease or a company title occupation agreement.